Jannik Hösel

In my work I try to build a deep and quiet atmosphere that inspires contemplation in the viewer. Painters such as Rembrandt, Tiziano, Watts, El Greco or even Icon painters such as Andrei Rublev have been an inspiration to me since the beginning, and my admiration for them keeps growing steadily. The sense of awe in their work induces the emotions, and the expressions are something I’m striving for in my own paintings. My aim is it to steadily improve my skills as a painter on a technical level to depict those stories and characters in a dignified and gentle way, and honour and imitate life to the best of my abilities.

Together with Pneuma I will continue to build a community of young and talented classical artists who work together to push the current standard of painting. Personally, I aim to create larger compositions with life-size figures, together with the help of students and friends in the spirit of the Renaissance and baroque workshops.